Le froid est arrivé
La neige continue de tomber
Les rues sont illuminées
Enfin, ça sent Noël...
Les gens se sourient dans la rue
Enfin, le sentiment de fête m'envahit
Et demain c'est vendredi!
Ce soir, elle est belle la vie!
17 December 2009
14 December 2009
The Chameleon
For better and for worse
A woman carries his cross.
Did she understand all the acts
When she signed the contract?
When she falls off
he's impatient with her irrational attitude
as he can't stand his own so
quickly she climbs back up
Spreads her arms exposes her heart.
The nails are easily back in and
All is well again, in order.
She accepts the consequences
Does she know she's not there?
That she doesn't exist?
She cleared the place to accommodate his shit.
In return
He gave her all the keys of his kingdom with one single rule
The room of anger and rage is mine
Don't ever use it or I'll kill you.
She's good, she won't even try
She's probably even lost the key.
She is what he expects of her
At all times.
Like a chameleon
She soaks up his atmosphere
Slips inside his landscape and
Makes herself part of it
Oblivious and invisible to her own.
I need help to discover what my own landscape look like
I'll accept all the help I can get to find out what my true colours are
A woman carries his cross.
Did she understand all the acts
When she signed the contract?
When she falls off
he's impatient with her irrational attitude
as he can't stand his own so
quickly she climbs back up
Spreads her arms exposes her heart.
The nails are easily back in and
All is well again, in order.
She accepts the consequences
Does she know she's not there?
That she doesn't exist?
She cleared the place to accommodate his shit.
In return
He gave her all the keys of his kingdom with one single rule
The room of anger and rage is mine
Don't ever use it or I'll kill you.
She's good, she won't even try
She's probably even lost the key.
She is what he expects of her
At all times.
Like a chameleon
She soaks up his atmosphere
Slips inside his landscape and
Makes herself part of it
Oblivious and invisible to her own.
I need help to discover what my own landscape look like
I'll accept all the help I can get to find out what my true colours are
21 November 2009
no escape!
what goes on inside
happens outside
everything is interconnected
with everything
physical and spirtual
material and psychological
there's no time
there's no space
when on doesn't look inside
it's put right in one's face outside
there's no possible escape
happens outside
everything is interconnected
with everything
physical and spirtual
material and psychological
there's no time
there's no space
when on doesn't look inside
it's put right in one's face outside
there's no possible escape
03 November 2009
The more taboos and prohibitions there are in the world,
The poorer the people will be.
The more sharp weapons the people have,
The more troubled the state will be.
The more cunning and skill man possesses,
The more vicious things will appear.
The mmore law and orders are made prominent,
The more thieves and robbers there will be.
Lao Tzu
The poorer the people will be.
The more sharp weapons the people have,
The more troubled the state will be.
The more cunning and skill man possesses,
The more vicious things will appear.
The mmore law and orders are made prominent,
The more thieves and robbers there will be.
Lao Tzu
24 October 2009
a missing ingredient
i'm missing an ingredient somewhere
that I wish I could find...
not too sure what it is unfortunately
anyone's got a recipe to help?
been told it's a little blend without it
i hope i can find it
will incorporate it with the stock that tastes good
hoping that it blends well
if i like the look and smell of it
i'll put it to the real test out there...
wish me luck!
that I wish I could find...
not too sure what it is unfortunately
anyone's got a recipe to help?
been told it's a little blend without it
i hope i can find it
will incorporate it with the stock that tastes good
hoping that it blends well
if i like the look and smell of it
i'll put it to the real test out there...
wish me luck!
18 October 2009
free fall
what happened?
in the deep shit hole
with no parachute
it's getting darker and darker
i'm going faster and faster
but what now?
i am slowing down
have a few words done the trick?
there's a bottom at the end of this well
open to an unknown and welcoming place
so what next?
the experience had to be revisited
painful, lonely, fearful, lifeless
rubbing on old awaken wounds
a conscious suffering
one that has a meaning
and slowly brings healing
in the deep shit hole
with no parachute
it's getting darker and darker
i'm going faster and faster
but what now?
i am slowing down
have a few words done the trick?
there's a bottom at the end of this well
open to an unknown and welcoming place
so what next?
the experience had to be revisited
painful, lonely, fearful, lifeless
rubbing on old awaken wounds
a conscious suffering
one that has a meaning
and slowly brings healing
16 October 2009
un regard complice
un sourire en coin
un sentiment de surprise
un mot de remerciement vers l'impalpable
un quelque chose d'indéfinissable
un sourire en coin
un sentiment de surprise
un mot de remerciement vers l'impalpable
un quelque chose d'indéfinissable
23 May 2009
The little princess
once upon a time a long, long time ago lived a little girl who always wanted to be a princess. She dreamt about it every day and every night so much so that one day she just knew that her dream had become reality. She had become a princess. She was the most beautiful little princess and she was so special that all the animals of the farm recognised her and loved her, and all the horses recognised her and loved her, and all the people recognised her and loved her. When some people didn't recognise her or didn't pay her the respect she was due she became very angry. But a princess cannot possibly get angry because it is so out of character and ugly. And so instead she would turn around and leave.
Now this little girl had many brothers and sisters and she knew that all of them wanted to become princes and princesses too and so there was stiff competition. And so she dreamt more than her brothers and sisters, and she asked always to be the most beautiful and the most intelligent of all and to be worshipped by all the people across the land. And when some people didn't worship her the way she was due she became very angry. But a princess cannot possibly get angry because it is so out of character and ugly. And so instead she would turn around and leave.
The most beautiful little princess left the land where too many people didn't love her and worshipped her the way she was due and arrived to a new land where all the people loved her and worshipped her the way she was due. And she was very happy. But as time went by the little princess was growing up and the love and worship of all the people was no longer quite enough because she wanted the most beautiful prince to find her and to love her and to worship her the way she was due. If the most beautiful prince could not find her then could all the love and the worship from all the people really be real? The little princess who was growing up became angry because the most beautiful prince obviously didn't live in this land. But a princess cannot possibly get angry because it is so out of character and ugly. And so instead she would turn around and leave.
The most beautiful little princess left the land where too many people didn't love her and worshipped her the way she was due and arrived in a new land where all the people loved her and worshipped her the way she was due. And the most beautiful prince lived on this land and found her and loved her and worshipped her the way she was due. But as time went by the little princess was growing up and all the love and worship of the most beautiful prince was no longer quite enough because she wasno longer that he was the most beautiful prince. She might have made a mistake and the most beautiful prince was still looking for her to love her and worhip her. The little princess grew angry the real most beautiful prince obviously didn't live in this land. But a princess cannot possibly get angry because it is so out of character and ugly. And so instead she would turn around and leave.
Once again, the most beautiful princess left the land where the prince had tricked her to think that he was the most beautiful prince and she erred for a long time. Finally she arrived in a new land where people didn't love her not worshipped her the way she was due. Because the people didn't love her and worship her she could be get angry, get out of character and ugly and she became very angry against the people of this land. But they didn't care and they continued living their lives without loving her or worshipping her. When she saw that being angry didn't change them one bit, she wept and wept and wept until the tears dried out and she fell asleep. When she woke up, the little princess had gone and only a not so young woman was there. And next to her stood a man who was not the most beautiful prince and she smiled at him.
Now this little girl had many brothers and sisters and she knew that all of them wanted to become princes and princesses too and so there was stiff competition. And so she dreamt more than her brothers and sisters, and she asked always to be the most beautiful and the most intelligent of all and to be worshipped by all the people across the land. And when some people didn't worship her the way she was due she became very angry. But a princess cannot possibly get angry because it is so out of character and ugly. And so instead she would turn around and leave.
The most beautiful little princess left the land where too many people didn't love her and worshipped her the way she was due and arrived to a new land where all the people loved her and worshipped her the way she was due. And she was very happy. But as time went by the little princess was growing up and the love and worship of all the people was no longer quite enough because she wanted the most beautiful prince to find her and to love her and to worship her the way she was due. If the most beautiful prince could not find her then could all the love and the worship from all the people really be real? The little princess who was growing up became angry because the most beautiful prince obviously didn't live in this land. But a princess cannot possibly get angry because it is so out of character and ugly. And so instead she would turn around and leave.
The most beautiful little princess left the land where too many people didn't love her and worshipped her the way she was due and arrived in a new land where all the people loved her and worshipped her the way she was due. And the most beautiful prince lived on this land and found her and loved her and worshipped her the way she was due. But as time went by the little princess was growing up and all the love and worship of the most beautiful prince was no longer quite enough because she wasno longer that he was the most beautiful prince. She might have made a mistake and the most beautiful prince was still looking for her to love her and worhip her. The little princess grew angry the real most beautiful prince obviously didn't live in this land. But a princess cannot possibly get angry because it is so out of character and ugly. And so instead she would turn around and leave.
Once again, the most beautiful princess left the land where the prince had tricked her to think that he was the most beautiful prince and she erred for a long time. Finally she arrived in a new land where people didn't love her not worshipped her the way she was due. Because the people didn't love her and worship her she could be get angry, get out of character and ugly and she became very angry against the people of this land. But they didn't care and they continued living their lives without loving her or worshipping her. When she saw that being angry didn't change them one bit, she wept and wept and wept until the tears dried out and she fell asleep. When she woke up, the little princess had gone and only a not so young woman was there. And next to her stood a man who was not the most beautiful prince and she smiled at him.
22 May 2009
I had a dream a few nights ago.
There was a cat in my garden and got out to scare him away as him and others keep pooing in the garden. This cat wears a beautiful dark grey fur and he was playing in the lower branches of a bush in the far left hand corner. As I arrived there he left and I saw in that same area 4 other cats and kitties lying dead on their sides. It didn't touch me more than that and I just wondered whether to leave them there or to bin them.
it is now hitting me - this part of me symbolised by the cats has died and it doesn't affect me emotionally.... Ouch!!
There was a cat in my garden and got out to scare him away as him and others keep pooing in the garden. This cat wears a beautiful dark grey fur and he was playing in the lower branches of a bush in the far left hand corner. As I arrived there he left and I saw in that same area 4 other cats and kitties lying dead on their sides. It didn't touch me more than that and I just wondered whether to leave them there or to bin them.
it is now hitting me - this part of me symbolised by the cats has died and it doesn't affect me emotionally.... Ouch!!
13 May 2009
un peu de trop ou de pas assez
emotions of all sorts
un coeur qui bondit dehors
une tête qui cherche à garder le contrôle
coûte que coûte...
c'est le début de la fin
l'adrénaline se répand dans mes veines
investit les moindres recoins de mon être
et pourtant
je suis alerte
je veux fuir
mais je suis scotchée là
pétrifiée, fascinée...
appelez-moi et je ne réponds pas
n'appelez pas et j'attends le son de votre voix
de tout mon être
je n'existe pas
j'ai disparu du bout des doigts
pfff, je suis plus là!
je reviens
mais il faudra m'attraper au vol
me plomber les pieds
que je reste en contact avec le sol!
me tenir informée
même si je ferme les écoutilles
même si je veux rien savoir
m'ouvrir les yeux,
me crier dans les oreilles,
me faire sentir ma peur non fondée
m'obliger à être là
emotions of all sorts
un coeur qui bondit dehors
une tête qui cherche à garder le contrôle
coûte que coûte...
c'est le début de la fin
l'adrénaline se répand dans mes veines
investit les moindres recoins de mon être
et pourtant
je suis alerte
je veux fuir
mais je suis scotchée là
pétrifiée, fascinée...
appelez-moi et je ne réponds pas
n'appelez pas et j'attends le son de votre voix
de tout mon être
je n'existe pas
j'ai disparu du bout des doigts
pfff, je suis plus là!
je reviens
mais il faudra m'attraper au vol
me plomber les pieds
que je reste en contact avec le sol!
me tenir informée
même si je ferme les écoutilles
même si je veux rien savoir
m'ouvrir les yeux,
me crier dans les oreilles,
me faire sentir ma peur non fondée
m'obliger à être là
05 April 2009
The power of me
surfing on the wave and feeling on the top of the world
being engulfed in the ditch and fearing it is the last stop
a never ending swinging already encountered
in relationships of all kinds
out there with others
and within with myself
a new pendulum now oscillates between
crushing energy of anger
enpowering and transforming energy of agression
being engulfed in the ditch and fearing it is the last stop
a never ending swinging already encountered
in relationships of all kinds
out there with others
and within with myself
a new pendulum now oscillates between
crushing energy of anger
enpowering and transforming energy of agression
28 March 2009
words for pain
I know well how to articulate them when things get complicated, uneasy and choatic
words for joy
open heart
these are a much harder task to get a grip on to communicate those feelings
i will work to restore a healthy balance
I know well how to articulate them when things get complicated, uneasy and choatic
words for joy
open heart
these are a much harder task to get a grip on to communicate those feelings
i will work to restore a healthy balance
05 March 2009
what else when
a door has been lashed open
a slap given across the face
a fist received in the stomach
from out there
what else when
a disheartening scream is being heard
both eyes are flooded with salted water
an extreme resistance sets in
from deep within
what else can it be
than an extreme pain
rising from the dead
making itself felt
in dis-ease and illness
in the body
Thank you and welcome
to this blast from the past
a door has been lashed open
a slap given across the face
a fist received in the stomach
from out there
what else when
a disheartening scream is being heard
both eyes are flooded with salted water
an extreme resistance sets in
from deep within
what else can it be
than an extreme pain
rising from the dead
making itself felt
in dis-ease and illness
in the body
Thank you and welcome
to this blast from the past
25 February 2009
i is all i have
this is not bad
that is not good
this is i
that is i, too
i can not be bad not good
i simply is
and i must add an adjective
i is real
whether i like it or not
so i'd better like it
cos' i is all i have

(and I wish this image was bigger but I can't be bothered to rework on it....)
that is not good
this is i
that is i, too
i can not be bad not good
i simply is
and i must add an adjective
i is real
whether i like it or not
so i'd better like it
cos' i is all i have

(and I wish this image was bigger but I can't be bothered to rework on it....)
24 February 2009
not good nor bad
how can this be not good nor bad?
or that be not right nor wrong?
I do this and I hate myself for it
I do that and I love myself for it
I do this and I risk be rejected for it
so this is bad
I am bad
this part of me that does this is bad
I end up hating her
I do that and I'm being loved for it
so that is good
I am good
that part of me that does that is good
I end up sticking around with her
yet they're both me, aren't they?
how on Earth can I live hating some part of me?
without answer
and many more....
learning to not judge, not fly away, not repress, not move, learning to listen and be
remembering again and again, this is not bad and that is not good - it's an illusion
or that be not right nor wrong?
I do this and I hate myself for it
I do that and I love myself for it
I do this and I risk be rejected for it
so this is bad
I am bad
this part of me that does this is bad
I end up hating her
I do that and I'm being loved for it
so that is good
I am good
that part of me that does that is good
I end up sticking around with her
yet they're both me, aren't they?
how on Earth can I live hating some part of me?
without answer
and many more....
learning to not judge, not fly away, not repress, not move, learning to listen and be
remembering again and again, this is not bad and that is not good - it's an illusion
23 February 2009
une journée pas comme les autres
ce n'est pourtant pas un grand
de ceux avec un zéro
il aurait pu passer presque inaperçu
comme une lettre à la poste...
mais non!
à la place, il a ouvert grand les portes
laissé entrer le premier soleil printanier d'avant garde
il a convié des amis/es de tellement longue date
que je les avais presque oubliés/es
et quelles retrouvailles!!
une grande douceur, avec une petite pointe de peur
une grande rigolade, à quelques bonnes paires de boutades
enfin une belle présence, ici et maintenant
la journée est passée, puis la soirée
il a laissé les portes ouvertes
et les amis/es semblent vouloir rester
ils/elles se sentent accueilis/es et pleins d'énergie!
une belle journée d'anniversaire!!!
de ceux avec un zéro
il aurait pu passer presque inaperçu
comme une lettre à la poste...
mais non!
à la place, il a ouvert grand les portes
laissé entrer le premier soleil printanier d'avant garde
il a convié des amis/es de tellement longue date
que je les avais presque oubliés/es
et quelles retrouvailles!!
une grande douceur, avec une petite pointe de peur
une grande rigolade, à quelques bonnes paires de boutades
enfin une belle présence, ici et maintenant
la journée est passée, puis la soirée
il a laissé les portes ouvertes
et les amis/es semblent vouloir rester
ils/elles se sentent accueilis/es et pleins d'énergie!
une belle journée d'anniversaire!!!
21 February 2009
a different birthday
38th birthday!
a threshold
a portal
an open gate
prepared slowly
in depth
without rush
in the present
today and
new lease of life
happy birthday
and beyond!
a threshold
a portal
an open gate
prepared slowly
in depth
without rush
in the present
today and
new lease of life
happy birthday
and beyond!
16 February 2009
breakthrough after breakthrough
I'm living a dream these days
ok sometimes it turns a bit into nightmar-ish dream kind of thing where fear and frozeness take over
but even then!
i watch myself being in that state
i seem to identify less to whatever emotion turns up
there seems to be more fluidity
in the relationship to myself and to others
i experienced something beautiful today
when an well known kind of anger and rage submerged me for a while because X asked me to do something that I thought was ridiculous in terms of wasted time and ressources
but then for some reason, I actually got out of it and focussed on how to change X's idea, in a creative way rather than the bull's way
and it kind of worked!!!!!!!!!!!!
we met in the middle and although I wasn't too happy to feel that I was wasting time, the rage had just gone!
Clairem this is unheard of.
Well done (gentle tap on the shoulder and the back)
ok sometimes it turns a bit into nightmar-ish dream kind of thing where fear and frozeness take over
but even then!
i watch myself being in that state
i seem to identify less to whatever emotion turns up
there seems to be more fluidity
in the relationship to myself and to others
i experienced something beautiful today
when an well known kind of anger and rage submerged me for a while because X asked me to do something that I thought was ridiculous in terms of wasted time and ressources
but then for some reason, I actually got out of it and focussed on how to change X's idea, in a creative way rather than the bull's way
and it kind of worked!!!!!!!!!!!!
we met in the middle and although I wasn't too happy to feel that I was wasting time, the rage had just gone!
Clairem this is unheard of.
Well done (gentle tap on the shoulder and the back)
01 February 2009
cold blood
january 2009 is over and done with
and what a month it's been!
adjusting to a new boss
and new methods of working
taking in a new training
and a new weekly schedule
sticking to my new resolution
and listening to my body
recording a few big dreams
feeling my well guarded borders
that don't let anyone in
watching the crocus blossom
and the snow fall silently on cold ground
I've grown his month
I've not been kicked out of the garden of Eden
No, this time
I've kicked myself out
of a false comfort zone
Yes, outside it is terrifying
but this is where real life is
and i will now live in it
in the world of warm blood
and what a month it's been!
adjusting to a new boss
and new methods of working
taking in a new training
and a new weekly schedule
sticking to my new resolution
and listening to my body
recording a few big dreams
feeling my well guarded borders
that don't let anyone in
watching the crocus blossom
and the snow fall silently on cold ground
I've grown his month
I've not been kicked out of the garden of Eden
No, this time
I've kicked myself out
of a false comfort zone
Yes, outside it is terrifying
but this is where real life is
and i will now live in it
in the world of warm blood
26 January 2009
dancing inside
dancing with no desire to be there
dancing with fear creeping in
dancing with my inner child
without trying to get him out
staying with him
however unconfortable
experiencing his terror
and tremor
dancing with the feet
when they cramp, get stiff
when the toes get blocked
and the ankles tire
staying with them
however uncomfortable
experiencing the tries
and tries
I am grateful
dancing with fear creeping in
dancing with my inner child
without trying to get him out
staying with him
however unconfortable
experiencing his terror
and tremor
dancing with the feet
when they cramp, get stiff
when the toes get blocked
and the ankles tire
staying with them
however uncomfortable
experiencing the tries
and tries
I am grateful
19 January 2009
water, water, water
A couple of months ago, on a Sunday afternoon, on the spur of the moment I went to the local (still unknown to me) Spa to look at the time passing by in the jacuzzi, the sauna, at the cafe table with a fruit juice. At least it as the idea...
Instead I ended up in a basement with a badly lit swimming pool and no cafe, no table, no fruit juice. So I swam for a while and wowwwww
the contact of the water on the skin was pure bliss, the small currents created by the movements of my arms or that or another swimmer I was passing by... there was just an immense pleasure at being in the water! THere was also a great surprised as I haven't enjoyed swimming in the last few years...
Then I remembered how much I loved the water as I was younger, whether pool, sea, lake, river, bath, whether cold or warm...
Then I remembered how much I love my morning shower (even if I don't spend as much time as I'd like as I can't get up in the morning...) not so much to wake up but mostly to be under the running water
Then I realised that i was enjoying it on that evening because I hadn't come to do some exercise, to swim for however long in minutes or meters. No, I had come to have a good and relaxing time! It made all the difference in the world!
And so I promised myself I'd go again - not in that same place though. To night, I'm back from the pool where people go to exercise, lots of people after work... I got in the slow lane and it took some constant awareness to get back to feeling the water on my skin, rather than being impatient because the person in front is slower than me. On those moments though I simply loved it - again.
I am pisces and I love water. It is in constant movement, sound... It is alive and it transmits this life to me when I take the time.
I am so grateful that it's found me again!
Instead I ended up in a basement with a badly lit swimming pool and no cafe, no table, no fruit juice. So I swam for a while and wowwwww
the contact of the water on the skin was pure bliss, the small currents created by the movements of my arms or that or another swimmer I was passing by... there was just an immense pleasure at being in the water! THere was also a great surprised as I haven't enjoyed swimming in the last few years...
Then I remembered how much I loved the water as I was younger, whether pool, sea, lake, river, bath, whether cold or warm...
Then I remembered how much I love my morning shower (even if I don't spend as much time as I'd like as I can't get up in the morning...) not so much to wake up but mostly to be under the running water
Then I realised that i was enjoying it on that evening because I hadn't come to do some exercise, to swim for however long in minutes or meters. No, I had come to have a good and relaxing time! It made all the difference in the world!
And so I promised myself I'd go again - not in that same place though. To night, I'm back from the pool where people go to exercise, lots of people after work... I got in the slow lane and it took some constant awareness to get back to feeling the water on my skin, rather than being impatient because the person in front is slower than me. On those moments though I simply loved it - again.
I am pisces and I love water. It is in constant movement, sound... It is alive and it transmits this life to me when I take the time.
I am so grateful that it's found me again!
03 January 2009
parmi les quelques résolutions, celle de grandir - enfin!?!
non par la force des choses
consciemment, motivée et résolue
intellectuellement bien-sûr mais aussi
dans le ressenti, le coeur et le corps
lui que je souhaite respecter et
que je sabote, encore et encore
parce que je refuse de grandir!
2008, année pleine s'il en fut!!
2009, aurai-je juste un peu de temps pour m'ennuyer?
non par la force des choses
consciemment, motivée et résolue
intellectuellement bien-sûr mais aussi
dans le ressenti, le coeur et le corps
lui que je souhaite respecter et
que je sabote, encore et encore
parce que je refuse de grandir!
2008, année pleine s'il en fut!!
2009, aurai-je juste un peu de temps pour m'ennuyer?
bonne année 2009
qu'elle soit belle, douce, créative et vous aide à avancer sur ce chemin qui est le vôtre!
tous mes voeux pour le neuf!
tous mes voeux pour le neuf!
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