and so she sent me some homework to do before we start. she said "you've got to prepare yourself and the flat. otherwise it's a bit as if you're getting married but don't make preparation for it". I liked the analogy. Part of that homework was to clear clutter... I came back on Sunday night and went through ALL my clothes. Pile "needs to go", pile "needs to be thrown away", pile "that stays", pile "don't know yet"... Two big bags have gone to charity shops and probably another two before the end of the week!! It felt real good to get up in the morning, knowing I'd done the right thing.
almost three months since I've moved in and things move slowly. I enjoy it that way, though as I cherish every single small change and transformation taking place.
Very interesting. Can't wait for the update!
It always feels good to get rid of clutter! I have piles that are calling to me to do something. slowly but surely...
Clutter clearing is amazing and so is space clearing. I look forward to hearing how you feel afterwards Claire.
thanks girls for your comments. It'sm y first flat and never have gone through such a ceremony before and I'm a bit anxious about expecting too much from it...
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