But here is why I'm babbling in a very long introduction. I had "promised" a good friend of mine to go to his mega-BBQ party today but decided after checking within myself to let him down (not without a strong feeling of guilt) and to tell him the truth (as opposed to make up a crap story to avoid upsetting him). And I made it to Wiltshire instead, to come and walk through crop circles, stone circles and see the chalk white horses that lie around in the hills... Funny enough, I got a text/sms from my friend on Friday morning telling me it was cancelled due to poor weather conditions...
I decided to start with the cop circles as the harvesting season is well advanced and if there was any chance to see some, tomorrow might have been too late... I met Rob and Sarah in the Silent Circle café and they offered me to join them as I was by myself. Very nice of them. And so, lucky as we were, one circle was newly formed yesterday morning and still there.

Image: John Montgomery, Copyright 2007
Both these images come from www.cropcircleconnector.com
One striking thing was that I completely lost track of time whilst inside the circle. I wouldn't have been able to say whether it was 10 minutes or 3h... It was actually a bit more than one, as I saw when I came back to the car.
For some reason I felt compelled to walk in the direction in which the crop were flattenned. As I stood somewhere near the centre of it (there was no way I could be sure of it) I was drawn into looking North-East and "had to" kneel down to pay respect and send gratitude. I then felt my heart open. It was heavy with a stone pushing the boundaries away, making space. The image I got from it was something like a circular stone being rolled away from the entrance of a Roman Tomb, except that the stone was inside the tomb, the heart, and not outside (if it makes any sense...)

Image: John Montgomery, Copyright 2007
Both these images come from www.cropcircleconnector.com
Next, I felt the urge to walk the outside of the circle and as soon as I started, it reminded me of a similar urge that occurred in Carn Euni (near Sancreed in Cornwall) last November. Not only the alleyways were beautiful, but the very shape of the circle got imprinted in my bones, in my breath, in my blood, in my skin, in my holy water... I felt more peaceful and ever more grateful to the crop, to the rain, to the spirits that have allowed this formation to be born.
At this stage, knowing hardly anything about crop circles, I don't mind whether these spirits are human or else. I don't know how these circles are formed and it doesn't really matter to me. I must admit that I'd love them to be NOT man-made, though.
Finally to wrap up a good day, I am staying in the most wonderful B&B. The farm dates back from the early 19th century, it is like a labyrinth in there, and it is surrounded by beautiful horses who come to you and ask for being stroked...
It was obviously meant to be a rich weekend for me! Before I close for the night, I must not forget to thank my friend backpacker/globetrotter without whom I might not have come down here.
What a fascinating blog
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