24 September 2007

lost for words...

I went through maybe the most powerful spiritual experience on Friday night. Hear spiritual in a very litteral way, as I was blessed to be touched by the Great Spirit.

And I'm pleased to say that I really don't mind whether this make you smile and being credulous or go away from this page and blog to never come back...

I will not be trying to relate, explain or convince. It only happened. I know it. I physically feel it in my heart since then - a burning glow that sometimes go as far as hurting when it is being ripped open. I feel extremely vulnerable but also I feel a magnificent strength, power, determination growing from within. It is beautiful and beautifully offered. It is now up to me to make it mine, incorporate it in my life and make sure I don't let it leak and waste...

I give thanks to the Great Spirit for being chosen and to the circle who witnessed the experience.

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