09 December 2007


Thursday 6th Decembre, sometime close to 6pm, she let out her last breath to never take a new one in. She threw the towel, after close to 96 years...

Not a Saint, not the perfect wife, mother, grand-mother, sister or woman, she has been instrumental in shaping who I have become, in my early years. And it is only these last few years that I have come to know and recognise this.
I know how lucky I am that she was still here in flesh and blood as well as in her right mind, as I have come very close to her. She has asked me many questions about my recent life and I like to think that she knew me more than many people I see everyday... I know she couldn't grasp entirely what my constant questions and my self-discovery journey are about, but she tried, again and again and again... and I am ever thankful to her for it.

I witnessed her go slowly with dignity, and love and gratitude for people that surrounded her. I know how pleased she was to see me and I know how important it has been for me to be present physically as often as I could. Her departure is obviously hard, but I have had time over the last few months to accept the love she gave me and to give her my love consciously. Somehow I feel at peace.

Bonne-maman, thank you.


Lena said...

I am so sorry to hear that your grandmother passed away. It was a good thing that you were able to spend time with her and that she tried so hard to

She sounded like a very loving and open minded woman. How lucky that you were able to become so close to her.

God Bless,

Lena said...

tried hard to understand your self discovery journey.

lisamoon said...

clairem, what a gift to have been with your sweet and open-hearted grandma as she moved into the spirit realm. you are a blessing to her!