"Yes, he replied, but I'm multifaceted".
I liked that answer very much...
I heard the voice of someone who knows a little (or a lot!) about himself, who's found out that there's a large spectrum of colours and shapes and moods and attitudes and feelings and emotions and that one constantly shifts from one to the next...
I heard the voice of someone who accepts and allows the changes and transformations that the Life journey brings up, however subtle or extraordinary...
I have met with C. since that question was asked and reply was given.
I felt the presence of a dark side that is not under control and allows something new, maybe unexpected, to be coming out into the light...
In his presence, I also saw the powerful lights reflected off the disco ball

Did this darkness and light belong to him or to me?
hi miss clairem, your deep ponderings are so reflective and honest. thank you for being out there on the path. big hug and thanks for kind, supportive words! lisamoon
perhaps both of you ... how wonderful!
perhaps both, yes... thanks for your coments girls...
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